Phasecorrect, I have been a J&MC fan since the mid 80s as well. I got hooked when I heard Happy When It Rains on 120 minutes sometime around the release of Darklands. I still get mad when I hear that damn ripoff by Garbage, I cant remember the actual title right now.
After some time, I prefer the smoothed out sounds of Honey's Dead to the raw power of Psychocandy, although I do enjoy both.
Zaikesman, It is too bad that you don't care for most of the music being done these days as there is some rather good stuff ebing put out. I will again reference Wilco, and offer to either burn you a copy of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, and if you like it you can go get it, or burn you a compilation of some of their better songs.
Did you ever get into the British indie scene of the 80's and 90's? Some bands that excelled during that time were Joy Division/New Order, Echo and the bunnymen, The Boo Radleys, amongst others. And each of these groups are still making music today, although not on par with what they did during their primes, with the exception of maybe Brave Captain, who wsa the guitarist/songwriter from The Boo radleys.
The Super Furry Animals are making fantastic music these days. They have progressed very nicely as a band and are continuing to get better with each release.
And thats just a few off the top of my head...
After some time, I prefer the smoothed out sounds of Honey's Dead to the raw power of Psychocandy, although I do enjoy both.
Zaikesman, It is too bad that you don't care for most of the music being done these days as there is some rather good stuff ebing put out. I will again reference Wilco, and offer to either burn you a copy of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, and if you like it you can go get it, or burn you a compilation of some of their better songs.
Did you ever get into the British indie scene of the 80's and 90's? Some bands that excelled during that time were Joy Division/New Order, Echo and the bunnymen, The Boo Radleys, amongst others. And each of these groups are still making music today, although not on par with what they did during their primes, with the exception of maybe Brave Captain, who wsa the guitarist/songwriter from The Boo radleys.
The Super Furry Animals are making fantastic music these days. They have progressed very nicely as a band and are continuing to get better with each release.
And thats just a few off the top of my head...