Did you get your new Music Direct catalogue yet?

I swear to God this cover, like the last three covers is worth framing.
Jerry Garcia brought me many years of musical bliss and this classic black and white photo does my memory proud.
The same goes for the early Ringo and Dylan covers.
I'm gonna dig those up and have them all matted and framed.
>>When you call them to get the RA#, they pressure you to keep the item. <<

That has never happened to me and I've returned two items to them in the last 6 months. One of them a tubed integrated amp. Not a peep of hard-sell. They only wanted to know why I was returning it.

It' difficult to beat their 30 day return and decent prices. Heck yeah I like them! I'm bummed I haven't received my catalog yet.

My local audio "salon" offers full price on almost everything, no return on sales, and much equipment they supposedly carry is not in stock including some entire vendor lines. It's a long drive to other shops.
Love the rosewood classic turntable pictured, also interesting but not surprising, VPI is now making direct drive tables.
Check out my system pics to see the framed picture of the Garcia cover.
After digging up the above mentioned past catalogues it was interesting to note that they had a bunch of graphics over the photos. Not so with the Garcia cover. That's what makes it so eye catching. Check out the matted cover on my systems page.
Very nice web site. coincidently there is a blog about the differences between belt drive vs direct drive, a topic I have approached in another thread. Very eye opening in it's Zen like simplicity,