Recommendations on Christmas Music??

With all due respect to those who choose not to celebrate Christmas (for whatever reason); for those who do, what recommendations do you have for this Christmas Season??

If you're like me, I find Christmas Music to be terribly commercialized with artist after artist coming out with there 'token album', almost as if it was an obligation to fans or perhaps an easy way to make a few extra bucks. I apologize if this sounds too harsh, but when an artist does take the time to come up with something special, I have to give a special nod of appreciation.

So help me out here, if you have some personal favorites that you feel rises above the mundane, please share those gems with the AudiogoN community.

Many thanks!!
I really like the "A Very Special Christmas" series of albums. I think I have them all. All kinds of different artists and styles in this group.
I celebrate Channukah, but I find Vince Guaraldi's Christmas music (A Charlie Brown Christmas, etc.) great fun, FWIW.
Tracey Thorn - Tinsel and Lights

I'm sure there's videos on youtube if you'd like a sample of it.
Sufjan Stevens has an incredible 5 disc set that features a very heartfelt rendition of traditional and classic holiday songs. I never grow tired of hearing it.