righteous reggae mon

Having just returned from my family's annual sojourn to the beach, I realized that I haven't purchased any reggae recently. I am a big fan of Lucky Dube, Bob Marley (Ziggy and his siblings as well), Toots, Burning Spear and others. I searched the "Gon archives and found a recommendation for "Rockamovya" which sounds tasty. Any recent new reggae artists of note?
Besides Rockamovya, Ziggy Marley "One Bright Day" is another excellent disc.
Not new - but Black Uhuru should definitely be in your reggae collection if they aren't already.
Wailing Souls, Mighty Diamonds, Prince Fari, URoy, IRoy, UBrown, Trinty, John Brown's Body, Steel Pulse, Black Uhuru Linton Kwesi Johnson, sly an Robbie-Reggae greats, Gregory Issacs, Most stuff on Adrian Sherwoods ONU Sound, Twinkle BrothersYellowman, Eek-a-mouse, Meditations, Dillinger, Pablo Moses, The Clash, Sublime, Slightly Stoopid, Manu Chao, King Chango, Dry and Heavvy!!! If more or needed let me know. Ha! May not be new 2015, but some of the artist may be new to you. I'm not sure if Rockamovya was my suggestion, but good. Newer. Protoje, Chronixx, Raging Fayh, Thievery Corporation, Midnite!!!! Crazy Fool!!!!

rockamovya warrior sound