Best blues guitarist, Clapton or Green

I know Clapton is God, but is he a better blues guitarist than Peter Green.
Nothing personal guys, but most of you need to do a WHOLE lot more listening to blues guitarists. Eric Clapton is a great guitarist, but I think it's a stretch to call him a BLUES guitarist. Infact, IMHO, there is only one great, WHITE blues guitarist: Stevie Ray Vaughn. First, we need to distinguish between acoustic blues guitarists, and those playing electric guitar. Among the great electric blues guitarists I would include: B.B. King; Buddy Guy; Luther Allison (one of my personal favorites); Albert Collins; Son Seals; Muddy Waters; Albert King; Acoustic greats (many of them were old Delta blues players): Mississippi John Hurt; Son House; Big Bill Broonzy; Bukka White; and Browny McGhee. In closing, I suggest you check out the new CD by Eric Clapton and B.B. King, titled "Riding With The King" - it's got some great playing by both guys.
Sdcampbell. Who was the first white guitarist elected to the Blues Hall of fame?
An interesting comparison between the styles of SRV and Johnny might the the song "Boot Hill". Each did their own version, Johnny's is on "Guitar Slinger". I can't remember which CD SRV'S is on. Johnny's is good, hard, gutteral blues and he sounds like he may well be ready to carry out the threats outlined in the song. By comparison, SRV's "Boot" sounds like it was done in church. He even apologizes for the content of the song in the liner notes. Guess which version I like better?
Sd...; I enjoyed your post above, but I've got to say that the Blues is an evolving form of music and as Dennis (above) noted, Johnny Winters is great too-- even though his forte is more blues rock. I have some of his music that really smokes, and I consider it pure Chicago (electric) blues. He played some with Lonnie Brooks, and the combo was great. Although Lonnie Brooks does not have the guitar skills of others noted here (he's still pretty good), his music is some of my favorite, and he's played with some of Chicago's great blues artists to include Koko Taylor, and Buddy Guy, and as noted J. Winters. And I sure do agree with you about the acoustic Delta greats-- one I especially liked was Josh White-- not a guitarist, but Delta, and he did sing folk blues with the best. Certainly Clapton is a great guitarist, and can play a mean blues guitar, but I think he mainly went the Rock route for the money, ie I don't think there's ever been much money in pure blues music. Glad to see all the interest in the BLUES. Cheers. Craig.