Saw SRV many times with Paul Ray & The Cobras, and then with Double Trouble when living in Austin, TX in the '70s--'80s. I don't think anyone has mentioned Denny Freeman, who taught SRV plenty as lead guitarist in the Cobras, and later supplied Angela Strehli's band his chops, among many others.
For sheer fun and live playing, Albert Collins gets my vote. He could take and an audience wherever he wanted with his stinging ring.
Clapton or Green? Green. He is the only cat who B.B. King commented that his tone/playing scared him. All of the players mentioned above have made great contributions.
For sheer fun and live playing, Albert Collins gets my vote. He could take and an audience wherever he wanted with his stinging ring.
Clapton or Green? Green. He is the only cat who B.B. King commented that his tone/playing scared him. All of the players mentioned above have made great contributions.