UHF (Ultra High Fidelity) is one of my favorite magazines. They use a panel of three to four people to review any piece of audio equipment; each reviewer is allowed at the end of the review to add their personal comments on the piece. I've read several comments in this thread about magazines that contain a glowing review on particular piece of audio equipment followed by a full page ad by the manufacturer. I believe this is a normal business process; a magazine is in the business of generating ad dollars as well as a means of survival. I would only be expected that a manufacturer should be given the choice to advertise in a magazine that paints their product in a positive light. With that said, UHF magazine has conducted reviews on several Copland products; they rave about the Copland 305 preamp, but absolutely hated one of the Copland amplifier models. In my mind, UHF tells it like it is. By the way, Copland still advertises in their publication....