Why Put Up With "Wife Approval Factor"?

During the past few weeks there have been a number of posts regarding finding cables, racks, and other items that wives and girlfriends "approve" of. It would appear that some of these choices have to be made so as not to "disturb" or "change" some type of decorating plan. Or that the choices might "clash" with the existing decor or home layout.
This leads me to question just "how important" audio really is for some of these folks. Or to maybe tweak a few noses the wrong way, ask how henpecked are some of these people? Haven't they made it clear to the wife or girlfriend that audio is a serious long-term interest; not just an expensive way to play background music? Haven't they made it clear that a first rate audio system is every bit as important to them as a nice jewelry item or set of furniture is to the wife or girlfriend?
While I realize that some of us have the luxury of a dedicated listening room; for many of us the family room or
living room is where the bulk of our main audio systems reside. What's wrong with having a nice looking audio set-up
in those rooms? The days of "sitting rooms" where TV screens and audio equipment are hidden is long gone. The only places that type of space exist any longer are in those "decorator" magazines that show the homes of the well-to-do and other decorators.
What are your thoughts?
Avideo, if you are married, you have a very, Very, VERY understanding wife. One that may even be into audio as well. If you are not married, you just do not understand marriage. I could go on for a long while about this subject, but I will try to be brief...

Marriage is one big compromise between two people. One person cannot have things totally their way (that can be construed as slavery of sorts).


Okay, I'll admit to being pecked, asking for approval and explaining why the system is not "whole" without an upgrade. (never resorted to begging). But that was until I follow the advice from an earlier post, to involve and let the wife listen to her music on the rig. I do let her have a small section (1/2 shelf space) for her 25 CDs. Since then I was able to purchase four ASC tube traps, but she picked the color. Does that mean I'm still pecked?
For those who are pecked, it is easy to get away with upgrading Audio Research gear, they all look the same to them.
I'm not married. I have speakers 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide each, placed way out into the living room. I have no TV. My listening chair is placed right in the sweet spot with no regard for "fitting into a decor". I have room lenses positioned where they should be. I have a small table for my wine glass and my ashtray. I spend myself half broke quite often on new gear and Lp's. If I have to eat hot dogs for awhile to make up for it, then that's what I do. If I have a date, we go out, or if she comes in, then she accepts things as they are. Changing your life for every swinging skirt that comes along is no way to live.
Tube Miser,

The ARC comment is correct. It is one of the things (besides sound) that I enjoyed about owning ARC. I now have Pass Labs Equipment and fortunately it all sorta looks the same, too. Problem is as you move up the line of preamps each has an additional chassis. I only need to hide the receipts.

I have a cooperative wife when it comes to the appearance of the room. Afterall, no one would agree that Dunlavy SC-Vs are nice for a room's decor. I try to accomodate her esthetic needs whenever possible. But she understands the life long endeavor of great sound.--Or at least says she does.

She gets to choose all furniture that is sat upon, tables, and all major appliances around the house. These are what are important to her. A marriage is a never ending group of compromises. I am fortunate to only have to compromise on those items that are of importance to her and she only on the ones important to me. Sounds simple when typed.

Best Regards, Aaron