The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,
Brelee:Thanks for your suport on this matter.I was up in santa Barbara for 5 years then Portland, OR. for 8 years took a 2 year break from audio now I am in Scottsdale,AZ.The new Antillion Signature amp is so far beyond anything Flemming has done in the past it's scarry!We are talking an amp with Twin-tier banks of ultra-fast caps that deliver 400,000mFtothe output stages and 40,000mFto the driver stages!!!Frequency responce from 1-350,000 with a peak power of 1,200 watts(THATS TRUE CLASS A WATTS,NOT IMAGINARY CLASS A LIKE SOME OTHER DESIGNS)into a 1 ohm load!!An intergrated service log is automatically updated for a full recorded history of the unit(anybody else have that..not)This information and posible future microprocessor upgrades can be transfered via a special keyfob interface!!!It also has unique zero-inductance resistors with a flat ceramic plate etched with a thick film/metal film conductive layer which is laser-trimmed for precise impedance(another unique feature)The Antillion Signature employs NO contacts,NO sockets,NO current limiting,NO global feedback,NO output relays and NO protection circuitry in the signal path.The only internal wiring is a short lengthof GryphonGuideline Referance gold-embedded silver interconect from the XLR inputs to the printed circuit board which has 105mmPCB copper traces.I guess that takes care of ss.Desharpiro:In less the dealer in Chicago, within the last few weeks became a dealer I don't believe he is one.The Antillion Signature sells in the U.S. for 18,400,The Sonata Allegro pre sells for 11,500 and the CDP-1 cd player sells for 5,400(which was the first up-sampled cd player on the market,that's right the Danes did it again!).Gryphon web site is Gryphon-Audio.DK,my e-mail is
The Antillion Signature pictures will be posted on the net within the next few weeks if you can't wait you can e-mail me directly
The system I would like to build is designed around the SoundLab U-1 speakers. There are a number of amps I would like to try with them, some recommended by reviewers such as the Atmaspheres, the Wolcott, or the Krell, and others I would like to try out for best bang/buck like the Gamut, the Bryston 7B-STs, the new Marsh 350 wpc., etc. The front end would be only digital. One option would be the Tact 2.0 Room Correction Sysytem used as both DAC and pre-amp, with a 24/96 transport from Muse, or Sonic Frontiers. This would be a best bang/buck option. If money were no object I'd try the Accuphase SACD system and the Burmesters.
Building a system is a life long journey. I currently have Sonus Faber Extremas for speakers, All Classe Audio Components, CP-60, CDT-1 DAC-1,two CA-400's, Genisis digital lens, two REL Stentor subs, MIT 770 Push Pull cables, 350 Proline twin balanced interconnects. Time to work on ac lines and conditioning. I think building a sytem and matching components is almost as fun as listining to it.