Well, I thought I might as well toss my hat into the ring as well. I've only been addicted to this hobby for 3 years (I'm 23), so my experience is extremely limited. On my paltry student budget I've managed to scrape together what is now my second system, consisting of a pair of Egglestonworks Fontaine loudspeakers, REL Strata III sub, Proceed Amp2 and Proceed Pre amplifiers, and a Sony S500 DVD player as a transport running into an MSB Link III with the upsampling module. I may think about buying an SACD player for myself as a Christmas present this year, but we'll have to see. Cables are Harmonic Tech Pro-11's for the speaker, ProSilway Mk2 XLR's for the amp and pre, and Truthlinks for the DAC to pre. The sound was actually good enough to move my girlfriend to tears on Clapton's Wonderful Tonight as well as Bocelli's Sogno. The speakers I'm definitely going to keep for a very long time, but I'm always open to suggestions for a better front end.