The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,
I'll qualify "best" as being the most musically involving, the one that makes you feel good every time you listen. The source is a Sony 608es player connected to a Cary SLI50 integrated amplifier using the stock Sony supplied interconnect. The speakers are Triad design system 3 which consists of two sealed box two way satellites and a sealed box 70w powered woofer using a 8 in. cone. The speakers rest on Chicago metal stands and the woofer sits in a small cabinet below a TV. Wiring is el-cheapo Radio Shack 4 conducter 16g. with the woofer signal being supplied through the speaker cables. The amplifier and cd player are plugged into a cheap computer power strip. Any attempt at so-called upgrading of cables or cd player has been a failure. This system sounds obscenely good using the cheapest of ancilliaries, makes me wonder about all the fancy high dollar power conditioners/cables/cords used in the rest of the high-end including my Big System which will do many things better but never sound as consistly musical.
My current system,Wadia 861 running synergistic designers reference balanced .Active sheilding {new updated ) Power cable is custom power top gun.Power is pass x350 with top gun hi current power cord. Both units cd and amp plugged into seperate dedicatted power line 20amp (cd plugged into audioprism foundation 3. Pass x350 running synergistic designers ref. speaker cable 6ft. to Dunlavys sc 4 a,s.
Dunlavys crossx. reworked with ohmite resistors not the cheap sand ones dunlavy uses, along with crescendo film and foil caps all bypassed.The main problem completing the system is the concrete house i live in.( i live on the island of Guam,and topical storms play hell with us so all structures our concrete) I have made big progress and the system is sounding very transparent and detailed.
There our some amazing rigs out there mine may not be the best but anyone comming to Guam please let me know for any withdrawls one might get while on vacation.
My family and I truly enjoy music at every opportunity, though spare time seems a rare commodity lately. Having worked under a tight budget for years, I am actually quite pleased and content with the harmony I feel I have achieved among the individual components of my system. This is my best, and only system: Unison Research Simply II integrated amplifier with NOS Amperex tubes and Unison phono stage, Sonographe SG-3 turntable with Rega tonearm + Goldring 1042 cartridge, Esoteric P500 CD Transport, Monarchy 22B DAC, DCM Timewindow 7 Loudspeakers, Silver Stealth FR speaker cables and Kimber AG interconnects. I mentioned harmony earlier, because I feel that some components simply do not work well with together (especially amps, cables and speakers). The one element not mentioned was the source recordings… it is my humble opinion that the recorded media is just as important as any component in a system! I especially like DCC recordings (not a huge fan of MFSL cd’s, unfortunately).
No money. Try this for a pre Bat 3i or vk30 and if you really want to get crazy match the bat 3i or 30 (tube pre by the way) and the bat vk200 ss. I just takes to control over my aerius i and plays the music beautifully. The vk200 is only 100 watts, but completely walked all over my previously bryston 3bst. Also audition it in my home with the 4,000 plinius and crushed that also. Just my 2 cents here. Try it let me know what ya think. It made me a believer and I just bought the vk200(demo for $1800) Looking at a bat pre down the road.