Hi, I'm a 36 years old computers nerd from Texas. I've been into HIFI for as long as I can remember. The first "REAL" system was from college with fake pawn shop Monitor speakers, Technique intergrated, and Radio Shack Realistic tape player. The first used pioneer cd player was such a treat. Then came the Onkyo home system completely with turn table and still the used pioneer cd player (This system is still in the closet today with the exception of the used cd player). Next in line was a used Carver system which was actually quite nice until a room mate decided that it was his system and took it with him when he moved out. Next came Maranz and yes BOSE Acoustimass. Currently the home theater room consist of Definitive Technology, ATI, and Meridian 561. The music room is setup with Dynaudio C5, Classe, and Sonic Frontiers. Life is good. Happy listening everybody.