Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??
To Cornfed,Mcn,Swampman and Garfish. Thanks for your kind and thouhtful comments.
I've been visiting this site for about a year & thought I would share some of my background. So much to say without writing a short story, so I'll just make it a vignette. I was in Germany '62-'65 so I heard the Beatles pretty much as my first major influence (I was 8 then). It was different from the Al Jolson & Exodus my dad used to play. Fast forward to the mid/late 70's. I had been out of the Navy for awhile & wound up in St. Louis as a combination truck driver/soundman/roadie for a rock band. It was tough going then as disco was big. I remember sitting at the Sun board just pretending I had a giant stereo! Now I'm trying to work within a budget to upgrade my system to get whatever sound appeals to me. I also have a fully equipped garage & play with cars & trucks in my spare time and of course I have a garage stereo too. I really enjoy listening to my system but after going through a period of having a fixation with material things, namely Harley Davidson motorcycles, I could live without a stereo. I'd rather not, mind you, but could if need be. My only necessity is my faith in God, not just since or because of Sept. 11, but because it is the only thing that makes sense in this world. Sorta heavy, but hey, the question is "Who R U". My source of income is derived from driving a tractor-trailer, although I studied geology/geography so I could make up my mind. As for this hobby, the stereo lets me escape into a magical world of make believe & for awhile I get to go there & get away from it all.
HI Driver. Nice to hear from you. What kind of audio gear do you have in your truck? I spend a fair amount of time in my Jeep Cherokee, and the road noise is a real drag.
Well ...I've been putzin' around audiogon for about two years...drooling over all the High-end audio and making my wish list for when I hit the lottery...I'm 26 from a small tourist town in Wisconsin called Hayward....home of the best Musky fishing in the Country....I've been a Custom Cabinet builder for 8 years...Been Building custom Speaker boxes for myself and others for 3 years...usally out of 1 inch MDF and then covering them with laminate or veneer...so if any of you have a project and need boxes ..drop me a line...Been an avid home theater nut for 5 years...my system consists of mid priced components...Kenwood vr-4900 recieverKenwood 1070 ke EquilizerEchostar Dishplayer sattelite reciever and Webtvpioneer Cld-704 laserdisc playerSony Playstation 24 Yamaha MX-1 Power ampsL-R Main speakers Custom Dyna-AudioCenter Speaker Custom Dyna-AudioSurround Speakers Fluance TowersSubs Parts Express Titanic 12" x236 rca direct-view HDTV readyTechnics AN-10 DVD-audio playerTheta TLCMonarchy DIPMSB link-dac IIand Monster Interconnects through-out the system......not much....but I'm Happy.....when you start out low you always have a reason to upgrade...but I always shop here first...well thats me...Chris
knucklenutz: what a great, appropriate name for a cabinet maker. good to have you among us. BTW, do you have any digital images of your projects you'd care to share? -kelly