Top Ten Speaker Cables of all time?...

What is the best sounding speaker cables you have ever used? I won't suggest any to start...because all have left me wanting a do you think?
It's interesting that this thread started in October, 2000, and is still getting new posts. Since my original post, I've changed my speaker cable from Kimber 8TC (which was recently rated by TAS as one of the top 4 cables in their review of more than a dozen models) to Alpha-Core Goertz MI2, which now gets my vote for best budget speaker cable. The one caveat regarding the A-C Goertz cables is that with some amplifier / speaker combinations, they can cause amplifier oscillation -- which can be cured by the use of a Zobel (resistor-capacitor) network.
I haven't tried a ton of cables, but so far, my fave is Cardas Neutral Reference. I don't see myself swapping these out of my system for some time to come.

I have changed from this to that but still kept my Apex ICTL. Apex closed, and you don't see much of their wires reselling. One reason, they are good!
The best speaker cable is the ones speaker manufacturers use in there adverts, the ones that never seem to intrude or are so fine you can't even tell they're there:)
It seems to me that cables invariably act as frequency tone controls with the specifc effects determine by inductance/resitance/capacitance.

If this is true, it would seem that there can be no best cable as it becomes almost totally system dependent.

I would think that given source A, pre-amp B, amp C, and speaker D we might be able to answer what is the "best" cabling for this particular system.

Beyond that, I think universal claims of which cabling is "best" are close to impossible.