I am reminded of the time I took my six year old son to The Big Apple Circus. We had a wonderful time and the kid was bursting with excitement. Afterwards, as we left the arena, the attendees were confronted by PETA activists yelling at us and shoving disturbing photographs of abused circus animals in our faces. Which do you think will go further toward addressing the, admittedly, important issue of animal abuse? The minor impact that generalizing about, and taking out of context, a particular situation? Or the impact that a tasteless, selfish, and distorted message foisted upon a six year old will have on his long-term view of people's motives and agendas; no matter the means used?
OK, got that off my chest. Been enjoying (a lot) a bottle of Highland Park 18. This one had flown under my radar until very recently. Just the right amount of peat for me, with nice richness and honey. Not bad!
OK, got that off my chest. Been enjoying (a lot) a bottle of Highland Park 18. This one had flown under my radar until very recently. Just the right amount of peat for me, with nice richness and honey. Not bad!