A/B Vinyl/Digital

I am sure there are those out there who have compared the same song with vinyl and digital.

Having done so last night was as suspected.

The CD version of the song was fake, plastic, 2D, flat, harsh, & non organic sounding.

The Vinyl version sounded like... well you know how it sounded.

Just don't listen to digital and expect it to sound like organic music IMHO.

Lector T3 is the CDP. I know if I spend $15000.00 + I can get closer to the sound of analog with digital.

It seems strange to me that members here on the 'Gon. only have a digital set up with high end gear. I am only a rookie here (7 yrs.) next to you 30 + audiophiles but I did learn something very valuable here by reading and learning from you analog heads.
I have done some basic comparisons just for fun. I don't think I am as critical as Glory.

But I've been curious for conducting an A/B comparison what is the best way to level-match a digital source to an analog source since you would need the same exact test sounds to set the level for each. It's hard to set it using music since the SPL are dynamic.

I don't want to go out and buy some $50 test LP. Now that I own an SPL meter, I guess I will just use Max SPL reading from a short music clip that has a more constant sound to set the volume for both.

BTW, there is a great deal of music I listen to is not available on LP so the debate digital vs analog is sort of mute.

I listen to the music, in all flavors and all forms.

cheers, ed
Glory, as tempting as it is back away from the hive , drop the stick and run away! I,m definately an anolog head but this is a well beat down topic of discussion or argument to be more exact. Instead of poking fun at you for spending/wasting $5200 on a CD player that sucks which I know does not let me tell you what my Father said to me when he was with us. " If CD's and CD players are so much better than a descent turntable and cartridge , Why do they cost so much more to try and sound like an anolog LP that is suppose to be inferior to this digital stuff?" I own an Esoteric DV 50s and I bought it because it sounded as close to vynil as I could afford.My Father asked me "does this one came with a bad case of vynil envy too". I still laugh at that as his ability for the simplistic comment to give way to more complex thought about all facets of life.I still prefer the vynil but thats my choice based on what I hear. Music not available on lp does not make the debate between digital and anolog sort of mute. What that does is restricts your choice of medium as dictated by a few for so many.To me and my ears digital has not provided us with the promise's we all were forced to move towards for music other than ease of use but certainly not cost as promised. I do enjoy digital for home theatre. In the end its all subjective to the one who likes what they hear and have paid for ,period.I try not to critisize the digital camp for their beleifs because anolog to my ears works for me. But critisizing the ones who stopped short on their promises of better sound and lower cost,thats another thing all together. Realistically with descent vynil harder to find and the outrageous prices some ask let alone get, I best not critisize something I will undoubtably be more and more dependant on for music. Cheers.....................
If it is strangw to embrase the format that 99.9999% of all modern music is produced on then perhaps you are the strange one, I own and love them both.........and both have strength and weakness but no true music lover IMO can turn a blind eye to digital and only consume the microscopic choices on vinyl.
I never said I would not listen to digital but rather the play back of digital is no match for vinyl in my system. So much so it is shocking to hear.

I have a CDP for the reason stated in this thread that not all music can be had on a LP. I did not waste my $1500.00 investment on a CDP as it does have its place here in my system.


I said I find it strange that members with high end systems here only have digital in their system. I do not turn a blind eye to digital and consume only the microscopic choices on vinyl as you imply. Reread the post.
80% of the "soul" of the music is in the performance. 15% is in the recording and mixing, which may differ for vinyl and digital releases. Of the remaining 5%, the mood of the listener is predominant. The medium, vinyl or digital disc, plays a small part.