Any veneer woods to cover my ugly shelves?

I have a rack with ugly mdf shelves. They are black and cheap looking. I have the supratek syrah on order, and it's smaller size means alot of the mdf will show. Is there any veneer or inexpensive shelf that would work? I don't want glass, marble, etc. due to sonic issues. Don't really want to spend $300 for a couple of neuance's either. Thanks, guys.
As a DIY project; Go to HD pick up(they will cut to size for you)the skins. Stain of your choice/ sand the paint off the shelves you want to cover/ apply wood glue/ clamp overnight.
Try Parts Express. They have 2'X10' sheets of peel and stick wood grained vinyl sheets available in 4 colors for around $12.00. It's the same stuff that inexpensive speakers are finished with.
Cheap and easy fix.