Top Ten Interconnects of all time...

A tip of the hat to FERRARI...(and to those great auto's!). I have enjoyed the "Top Ten" threads...So,.. What is you favorite Interconnect cables of all time? I will start this off with the following candidates...Wireworld Gold Eclipse III, Cardas Golden Reference, Nirvana S-L and S-X, Nordost Quattrofil..and the rest is up to you.
Mmakshak there are 20 threads now in which you shill these cables. What are they paying or giving you in exchange for the promotion?
BTW, your post here appears to be out of place. This is the top 10 interconnects of all time.......
There is no room for enthusiasm here? I have to admit that Ori(I think) probably does some sort of hypnosis on people. I was really thinking that it had something to do with Coors, though(combined with a vacation). Same price, guy. With any purchase of the X-1's(and he lets you keep the X-1's) it is $390 for .6 meters(about 25 inches from tip to tip). The thing is that you get the effect of these interconnects with even this smaller length(I wouldn't have sprung for the more expensive versions.). And guess what? I'm sticking my neck out on saying that these are in the top ten. How's that?
Unless you are prepared to give empirical data comparing this sham cable to the real players i.e. PAD, MIT, Jena Labs, Synergistic Research, Virtual Dynamics, NBS. then "sticking your neck out" is a shameless and unsubstantiated promotion of this product. Given all of the top cables available, your assertion is simply one of either a dealer, distributor, or drunk.
You might want to check out VooDoo Cables, this has to be one of the best kept secrets in all of audio!
While I'm not saying these cables are close to state of the art today, one of the first cable inovators was Bob Fulton who had Fulton Gold interconnects. They sounded very musical at the time and were around before Monster cable was conceived. Bop Fulton visited high end dealers and had a plethora of tweaky products long before others jumped on the bandwagon. Among them were his Fulton Gold and brown speaker cables (the gold cables looked like welding cable and it were so thick and heavy they could almost hold up a LS35A by themselves without a stand!) the blue turntable mat, Fulton headshell leads, the Fulton J subwoofers, not to mention various incredible recordings he made and were available on LP.
So if were talking Top 10 of all time, I vote for the Bob Fulton's Gold Interconnects (Bob certainly didn't make millions) for they started this trend, though few today probably still have seen, heard or own his equipment.