Best Sax Jazz

What do you think are the best saxaphone based jazz cd/albums
Sailor 630, there are so many and everyone has their own favorites, but for my two cents worth I like, among others:
'Crescent' w/John Coltrane
'Live at Ethell's' w/Clifford Jordan
'Just For Yor' w/Harold Ashby
But I could have named dozens more and not have been unhappy.

Good luck and good listening.

anything by ben webster; especially "at the renessance" and "coleman hawkins encounters ben webster". ben's tone is one of the most wonderful and emotive sounds in music, and is totally unique to him. he does with a sax what miles does at his peak with his trumpet. a "less is more" approach with the silence between the notes as satisfying as the notes themselves. he started as a piano player and maybe that had something to do with his style.
I agree with several posts, here's my list:
1. Sonny Rollins, Saxaphone Collossus DCC Vinyl
2. Ben Webster, at the Renaissance APO Vinyl
3. Coltrane, Blue Train Mofi Gold CD
4. Domnerus, Antiphone Blues FIM Gold CD
5. Moondog, Sax Pax for a Sax (this is a weird one, but if you love the sax, this is a great recording.)

Sailor: I, and perhaps others, would appreciate if you get any of these (or already own some), put in your comments once you've listened to them. It's good to see what suggestions have been helpful. Enjoy.
I'd like to add another Sonny Rollins, "The Blue Note Years". This is a '89 compilation of some his best work from '57 and '58. One of my favorites.