What's your profession? Age?

Just thought after the "how much is your system worth" post that it would be nice to see what all these people do to get $80K systems, and perhaps how long it takes. I'm a 29-year old economist for the gov., just completeed my Ph.D. last month, and my system is at about $10K. Just a pup hoping to keep upgrading...
CNC Programmer, manufacturing. I don't work for Boeing, but we make Boeing parts. Twelve years in the business, I'm 34. My system has a retail value of a little over $9000, but I have a little over $5000 in it. It's msileading because I can't listen all at once to my three pairs of speakers, or my two CD players, or my hybrid stereo amp, or my pure tube mono-blocs... So I have to say I have $9000 in equipment however, I can only listen to $5000-$7000 in one sitting. As you can see it's not brutally expensive (of course, this is a relative statement as you peruse this forum) but I have the "coolest" little system. Maybe I'll post it someday. In closing, if you're not going to state your income, then the question isn't being answered. The value of your system is only interesting relative to your income. I want to know exactly how "sick" you are, individually. I make a little over $60,000 and try to keep my debt in check. Take care.
You lucky duck retired at 44. Great God, your ears still work at that age! Beats the vast majority of us who only have the time and the money once our ears are failing.
I am a 39-year-old computer software engineer. Started having this hobby since my middle school year. My first DIY system cost me around $75 25 years ago. The retail value for my current system is around $79K.
Musician/teacher, age 51. McIntosh/Tandberg freak in the 70's, out of the audio loop for 20 years, just getting back in, albeit on a low budget. The new speakers and amps, if I may say so, are quite improved. I used to use a Mac 2300 amp (127 lbs.) as a PA amp, and I don't miss lugging that sucker around. I'd love to have a great listening room with a great system someday, but I love the rig I have (Dynaudio contours/NAD integrated).