What's your profession? Age?

Just thought after the "how much is your system worth" post that it would be nice to see what all these people do to get $80K systems, and perhaps how long it takes. I'm a 29-year old economist for the gov., just completeed my Ph.D. last month, and my system is at about $10K. Just a pup hoping to keep upgrading...
System is getting along in years now: speakers, amp, and
preamp are about 10 years old.
I own a construction company. I really started in Hi-Fi when I was young but got out of it through my 40s now that I am back into it is has taken me about two years to find the componets I really like and build my current system. I am now 55 and my system is about 50 grand or so...give or take...
44 - Own a small C-store & Deli - presently looking to sell the business and get into something else. Not sure what - but something else. I've been self-employed most of my life - I think I'd like to work for someone else for a change - hmm, ...sounds a bit like burn-out, I think..?

My system is still evolving - though I doubt I'll ever change my Pipedreams... As for HT - we're building a new house now and I'm hoping to build a new HT system when we finish the house. My HT system is B&O system which isn't too bad but I have a serious hankering for serious realistic HT system... I've never really had the opportunity to listen to other HT systems than my own... I've always listened to music. I bought my first stereo when I was 8 years old. Then when I was about 16 or 17 I bought a B&O. I still have my original B&O (Bang & Olufsen) system I bought in 1976...

My father used to record muisc from the radio. I remember when brought home his "elite" Warfdale speakers with the purple-dome tweeters - that we (the kids) dared NOT to TOUCH! He had a Scott reciever and Roberts reel to reel... man, that was back in 1966-68? wow.. long time ago..

Dat be me...