Acoustic Revive RR-77 Ultra low pulse generator

One more new baby in the family of esoteric tweaks, there is not much info on this product except for a a nice review in 6 moons audio, Working on the human body and psychic (the Schumann resonance) and treating your room acoustic...
I wish answers and comments from people who bought it and use it with succes!
Also how does it compare against the Quantum Symphony pro EMF Stabilizer who work close in the same way ???
Wich position is the best inside the listening room ?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xroccl007
I have one and it's really a no brainer. The impact is huge and for me all +++++++++++++++++. You have to hear it to believe it.
It's unbelievable for the money. More liquidity, warmth, "realness" and air around the performers. This is a no-brainer.

Place it at least 5 feet off the ground and if you can between the speakers. Enjoy!
Rocc1007, et al.:

One place to find a series of write ups for Acoustic Revive components is in the Random Noise columns of Stereo Times.

Entertainingly written by Mike Silverton, columns are as follows (findable in the archives list): R(andom) N(oise) 3, 10 & 14: introduction to AR; RN: 15 RWL-3 tuning panel, RTP power tap, and Reference power cord; RN 16: REM-8 EMF device, SPC speaker cables, and RN 17(?) Turbo charged RR-77 Schumann Resonance Gerenator.

Mike is a very amusing writer, and you may enjoy the photographs of some of his art work at the head of several columns. Ask him about his art: he'll enjoy that, and it may lead to some very interesting exchanges.

There are other sources of information on AR gear. Let me know if you would like further references.

Best Wishes,

David Kellogg
Also powering it with a KingRex power supply increases the soundstage and the treble qualities
I like Acoustic Revive's products a lot, however the RR-77 didn't win me over.

A friend pointed out It seemed to soften transients the slightest bit, and I think it pulled the soundstage back a bit. It was subtle however. Interesting that some people got prominent changes.