Every time I have changed the 6C6 cathode resistor I have heard a sonic difference and it is not subtle. This is a single ended amp with a low parts count. When I pulled the bypass capacitor that made made a dramatic difference in sound as well as the gain of the amp. Response34, I will look into the possibility of replacing the 91k A-B's with 91k/12watt Mills resistors. This is the 6C6 plate resistor and audio signal is present here. For now I am happy with the overall sound of the amp.
After 100 hours the TX2757 are here to stay. They let the music pass thru with richness, clarity and depth. No hi end emphasis or etch. Each instrument has its own accurate color and detail but not at the expense of the overall musical message. Front to back depth is very pleasing and I am not missing the A-B's or the AN Tantalums.
After 100 hours the TX2757 are here to stay. They let the music pass thru with richness, clarity and depth. No hi end emphasis or etch. Each instrument has its own accurate color and detail but not at the expense of the overall musical message. Front to back depth is very pleasing and I am not missing the A-B's or the AN Tantalums.