The next best Tweak ???

There have been several postings at AA about a new tweak from the mind of a gent named unclestu that I would like to share with Audiogon members.

I really don’t know why it works or how it works.
This tweak will cost you about $10 bucks but hold on to your hats...

unclestu discovered that the Ground Control (that was designed by Bud Purvine and sold by AudioPrism)design could be improved on.

You will need to make two sets for your speakers.

What unclestu came up with is to take a 6V Lantern Battery, add a 1000uf Electrolytic capacitor across the top springs (+ to + and - to -) connect a wire to the negative side of the battery and then attach the other wire end to the negative post on your speaker.

I have also made a couple that I plug in to my Preamp and Amp. Those were made with RCA’s ground on the wire end and I used 9V batteries utilizing 9V battery clips.

I've got to say, big improvement across the board, Soundstage, bass, mids, treble. But the most dramatic change is in the dynamics.
Sgr - Thanks for your post. Appreciated your comments about sonic improvements on what looks to be a very impressive system.

A question for you and Ozzy - My speakers are bi-wired. I'm thinking to use a short jumper between the negative terminals of a given speaker and attach the lead from the neg. pole of the battery to the middle of that jumper. Seem like an OK approach?

Thanks in advance.
Ghosthouse, I think it would be ok. You can always make two units for each biwire connection.

I am using a 10k 50V Cap on my speakers and I think the 6V lantern battery works the best on my speakers.

I just added another set (of 10K 50V Cap attached to a 6V Lantern Battery) to the negative side of my speaker spades via alligator clips at the Amp end. Adds even more snap with the units attached to both ends of the speaker cable.

I also have been trying this tweak on my HD Cables boxes. To these boxes it seems the higher the voltage the better. Right now I am using a 14 V battery to a 10K 16V Cap via RCA's.
Sgr, I have noticed that the tweak works best on the speaker cable. The RCA hook ups are more hit and miss. Meaning on some components the soundstage improves ,and other equipment it doesn't.
I'm getting some strange pops through my system when I turn the amps on so I had to disconnect for now. I'll show an electrical friend what I've done and see what I might have done wrong. It maybe because I have no crossover in the speakers. Last night I hooked it up after I turned the amp on. Any ideas? It doesn't seem to happen when I just use the ones hooked to the pre and DAC.
I received my 10K 25V caps yesterday. Removed the 1K caps from the speaker ends and installed these and let them set over night. I just finished listening to "Memories of a Geisha" and I love it even more now. The sound stage is deeper, instruments clearer and the bass is mo solid. I'm now going to replace the 1K caps at the AVR and CDP.

Last week I install a 9V battery to the plasma and was rewarded with a positive visual enhancement. All this for just a few dollars.