WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips

WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips has anyone tried these?

I have tried the fuse chips and I am quite impressed! How the ... ???

So, I went ahead and ordered chips for speakers,cables,and transformer chips. I also purchased a few more fuse chips to try on circuit breakers / outlets.
Heck, I may even try some of them on my Synergistic powercell.
Luckly they come with a 30 day return.

I have read Norm's positive review on Stereo Times.

Just wondering if anyone else has tried these.

But if they are quantum mechanical in nature wouldn't that be big news? Most folks probably figure quantum mechanics is strictly an atomic or subatomic level phenomenon and has no relation to the real, Macro world. Something that small, if it contains quantum material, must contain extremely minute amounts of the stuff, you know, being so thin and small. One wonders, if you wear infrared goggles in a dark room would you be able to see photon emission of the WA chips? What would happen if you cut one of the WA Quantum Chips in half? Could you get two chips for the price of one? Why are so many types and sizes of chips necessary?

If the WA Chips are NOT quantum, why on Earth would a company chose the word Quantum for the name? Doesn't make sense, you know, with so many folks like yourself suspicious of anything with the word Quantum in it. You know how audiophiles are....

And if the WA Chips aren't Quantum what else could they possibly be, you know, being so small and thin? And there being so many types, each "programmed" for a specific application.
I remember a time, maybe late 50s or early 60s, when the word "Quasar" became very popular. Of course none of the products with "Quasar" in their name had anything to do with actual Quasars. If I'm not mistaken the term was used occasionally on television shows like "Startrek" as well.
Now it seems the "Quantum" moniker is all the rage and some people seem disturbed by this, most likely those with some physics background, because they see the name as "false" advertising. 8^)
And although dissection of aliens doesn't really interest me the dissection of a Quantum Chip would. Anyone have an electron microscope they'd like to volunteer?
"But if they are quantum mechanical in nature wouldn't that be big news?"

Maybe. It all depends. The devil is in the details which apparently are not being disclosed in this case. So as presented, it cannot be assessed as anything beyond a marketing term which is apparently good enough.

Where's the beef?
It's important to remember that audiophiles are more interested in cutting edge technology than NASA, the military or the telecommunications industry. Anyway, that's what one person argued earlier in this thread.
Mapman wrote,

Geoff said, "But if they are quantum mechanical in nature wouldn't that be big news?"

Mapman wrote, "Maybe. It all depends. The devil is in the details which apparently are not being disclosed in this case. So as presented, it cannot be assessed as anything beyond a marketing term which is apparently good enough."

According to the press release the WA Quantum Chips operate at the "subatomic Quantum level." I realize that is not very helpful. However, they go on to say,

"In each case the Chip is mounted on an adhesive backing which can be attached to the device. The Chips are "programmed" for their specified applications."

Now, what else besides quantum material can be programmed? You know, "programmable matter." "Artificial atoms." Hel-looo! If what they say about the chips being programmed for specific applications is not true, I.e., a marketing ploy, the various chips should be interchangeable, no?