WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips

WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips has anyone tried these?

I have tried the fuse chips and I am quite impressed! How the ... ???

So, I went ahead and ordered chips for speakers,cables,and transformer chips. I also purchased a few more fuse chips to try on circuit breakers / outlets.
Heck, I may even try some of them on my Synergistic powercell.
Luckly they come with a 30 day return.

I have read Norm's positive review on Stereo Times.

Just wondering if anyone else has tried these.
Did your SR Qauntum fuse sound good immediately or was there a break-in period? I got some recently and in my case they definitely improved with additional hours.I wonder how much this varies with different components and systems.
Charles1dad, oh, yes, they improve with time. And if you remove them and later put them on something else, you experience the same thing.

Antigrunge, You remind me that I haven't put one on my cartridge yet.

Having just received some more chips for different placement (capacitor, op-amp/dac chips), I decided to place the capacitor chip on my cj preamp. I had played The Eagles Hotel California album (specifically, the "Hotel California: and "New Kid in Town" cuts, and Paul McCartney's Red Rose album ("Red Rose Barn" and "My Love" cuts).

It's barely been a half hour and the thing I noticed immediately is the forwardness in the midrange/upper midrange, so, coming online and seeing your observation, I had to smile. Interestingly enough, the upper bass/lower mirange seems sucked out a bit: the backup voices on "Red Rose Barn" (McCartney) were less obviously Black backup singers (I'm also a Black backup singer...well, I WAS one), and more generic in tone, as though the throatiness that characterizes a great deal of 60s and 70s singers. I found this fascinating.

I'll observe more tomorrow when I replay the same cuts. Neither McCartney nor the Eagles' alubms sound like they're that well recorded, which actually makes it easier to hear when the voices have a smoother octave-to-octave transition. The Eagles "New Kids in Town" lost the harmonies of Henley and Frey as two separate voices, but the transient information is unquestionably sharper on guitars in particular, so it may simply be that the mid/upper mids improve immediately: the lower mids and upper bass, later.

Hard consonants (like K, T, and exhalations) are clearer, I don't think - at least, so far - that the midbass/low bass changes noticeably with the Quantum chips. But given that the noise floor is lower with the chips, the bass instruments as a whole "pulsate" more vividly.

A fascinating product.
So, using this as a diary entry, it's now 2:03 a.m., exactly 3 hours, 15 minutes after I put the WA quantum chip on the capacitor (at 10:48 p.m.).
There is enough of a change in that time to note several things: the backup vocalists on Big Barn Bed (McCartney, Red Rose Speedwagon lp) have blossomed and it's fuller-sounding. The spotlighted effect, a sort of grainiess on guitar transients is noticeably less in effect, and the vocal harmonies on the Eagles, "New Kid" cut is back. Pretty cool at the 3-hour mark, and the amps are not fully warmed up.