Inasmuch as those same AR speakers would be bested by most entry level sub $500.00 speakers of today, I am not sure folks would be as fooled as they were back in the old days.
That's a little like saying those same folks who viewed a 1950's TV wouldn't find much difference in a 4HD or whatever they call the latest in television technology.
I can say that my Aqos HD blows away my Marantz RPG, which back in the day was at the top of it's game.
Audio has moved on, and I admit that some of the old stuff is still good even today.
My old 1974 Acoustat montor X's are testament to that.
Except for the fact that they have had a few thousand dollars worth of upgraded parts.
The upgraded parts are the reason the Acoustats sound as good as they do.I know, before I had them upgraded, I knew how they used to sound back in the 70s.
But all the rest of the stuff I plug into the chain is also better than it was in the 70's.
I've put a lot of effort into getting the best electrical connection as I can to my gear,which means dedicated lines, upgraded connectors and even fuses.
All the stuuf that others will say can make no difference, has for me and in every other system where the owner has done similar improvemnts.
In fact listening to the before and after effects of some simple revisions to the power delivery to my friends system took me down the same road and I am very happy I did follow along.
My problem is that I don't have finances to pursue it to the level that he has.
And he is still experimenting with different power cords and their effect on his DCS dac.
So when does it all end?
It doesn't have to end,who says it's supposed to?
It can begin with a simple fuse, and end there I suppose, but what's the fun in that?
That's a little like saying those same folks who viewed a 1950's TV wouldn't find much difference in a 4HD or whatever they call the latest in television technology.
I can say that my Aqos HD blows away my Marantz RPG, which back in the day was at the top of it's game.
Audio has moved on, and I admit that some of the old stuff is still good even today.
My old 1974 Acoustat montor X's are testament to that.
Except for the fact that they have had a few thousand dollars worth of upgraded parts.
The upgraded parts are the reason the Acoustats sound as good as they do.I know, before I had them upgraded, I knew how they used to sound back in the 70s.
But all the rest of the stuff I plug into the chain is also better than it was in the 70's.
I've put a lot of effort into getting the best electrical connection as I can to my gear,which means dedicated lines, upgraded connectors and even fuses.
All the stuuf that others will say can make no difference, has for me and in every other system where the owner has done similar improvemnts.
In fact listening to the before and after effects of some simple revisions to the power delivery to my friends system took me down the same road and I am very happy I did follow along.
My problem is that I don't have finances to pursue it to the level that he has.
And he is still experimenting with different power cords and their effect on his DCS dac.
So when does it all end?
It doesn't have to end,who says it's supposed to?
It can begin with a simple fuse, and end there I suppose, but what's the fun in that?