Audio Magic Pulse Gen products

Has anyone tried the Audio Magic Pulse Gen products?
I have located a few reviews but not much recent activity.

I understand they emit a signal that is to reduce or eliminate RFI/EMI that is riding on the cables.

Well, I just installed the "speaker clarifiers" to my DIY speaker cables and thus far I am really impressed. I am hearing better tonal qualities. That is,voices and instruments are much more real or whole sounding. And the soundstage is way deeper, allowing the sound to identify where each instrument is located in the mix.

So, I went ahead and ordered 4 of the Pulse Gen modules that go inside of components and I will be installing them in the next few weeks.

I plan on doing a full review of these products once they are installed, but I still wonder why there has not been much talk of these products on Audiogon.
Hi Ozzy, We don't speak of Pulse Gens because they are magic boxes! I started with one in my dac with fantastic results. Next was my Supratek Cabernet pre and more improvement. I then had Jerry build me a Mini Ref 2 with Oyaide R1's and I could not be happier. Even his super fuses make a difference. I now believe in magic.
"because they are magic boxes!"

Harry .. there is no magic in this hobby ... Math and Physics are the only things that can effect your system’s performance

Most audiophile’s lack of advanced Math and Physics basics causes them to not be able to connect the dots on why and how an improvement works and the fact that an improvement is perceived/noted is attributed to ... MAGIC ... it’s Math and Physics Amigo

Magic is the art of convincing the audience through MIS-DIRECTION ... you don’t think any of the Mfgers and/or Dealers would ever try to mis-direct us do you ... ;-(

"I understand they emit a signal that is to reduce or eliminate RFI/EMI that is riding on the cables"

Ozzy it’s not the noise riding on line that the Pulse Gens treats ... it is the Air Born RF floating around the inside of our components that is soaked up by the Pulse Gens

The Pulse Gens dissipate the Air Born noise inside our equipment before it can couple to the components inside our equipment raising the noise floor ...

The Pulse Gen’s generate a wave that is the same frequency and amplitude as the RF but opposite in phase (180 degrees) as the Air Born RF

This has a cancelling effect and reduces the amount of Air Born noise that will couple to your equipment's internal components

By reducing this Air Born interference you lower the component’s noise floor which reveals more spatial and low level cue’s .. there by expanding the sound stage .. increasing dynamics ... transparency and openness all this comes with the reduction of this interference

When they first came out I bought one and installed it in my Denon D5000 DVD/CD player ... the effects were noticeable immediately and very positive with no down side ... next I purchased another one and installed it my Exact Power EP15 ... here it had little to no noticeable effect

This was very surprising as the EP 15 uses a digital comparator to correct the sine wave of the incoming current and I felt the comparator was ballooning a good deal of Air Born RF from it’s operation ... I guessed wrong and failed to connect the Math and Physics Dots as to why this change brought no improvement

Next I pulled the P/Gen from the Denon and installed it in my newly acquired Ayre D1ex’s outboard power supply ... here it had the same effect as when installed in the Denon

Moving forward I purchased the Speaker Clarifier's shortly after they were released ... I installed them on my Ridge Street P!!! speaker cables and my Elrod Signature 3 power cord ... I placed the Clarifiers in the middle and at both ends on both cables and the results were consistent ... in all position on either cable they caused the sound stage to shrink and congeal considerable and they leaned the sound out removing the emotion and authority

I gave the Clarifier's about 50 to 75 hours to acclimate and even ran my very effective PAD break in disc to no avail

Luckily the Cable Company accepted them back for credit even after extending my time to allow for more break in ... we all wanted for these to work ... but in my system they didn’t

Next I will harvest the P/Gen from my Exact Power EP15 and install it in the cable box in my bed room where I watch a lot of TV ... I’m expecting very positive results inside the cable box box ... but I won’t know until I try this out

Ozzy if you have a spare try one in your cable box or DVR ... it will be awhile before I get to trying this

As far as Math and Physics ... I consider myself in the challenged category ... as a matter of fact I was so poor in Math in High School I thought Calculus was Julius Caesar's hair dresser ;-)

Davehrab, very interesting comments. I thought that the speaker clarifiers were designed to reduce the amount of RF/EMI crap that is riding on the speaker cables output.

I found a VERY large improvement on my DYI speaker cables with the speaker clarifiers. My Bi-wire 14 and 18 gauge speaker cables are made out of 9999 solid Silver wire that is soft annealed and then sleeved and made into twisted pairs in oversized Teflon tubing.

Anyway, at the moment my next plan is to install the 4 Pulse Gen's.
One will go on my CD player and Dac, one on my Preamp and one inside of my Oppo 95 player.
Hi Ozzy,
Hi5Harry asked me to chime in with my opinions on Audio Magic. I'm usually a lurker:) I'm a bit apprehensive about posting in Tech Talk as my observations and impressions are subjective and YMMV. That being said I find in the context of my system that all Jerry's products* invoke nothing but gains in listening pleasure. No ill effects. Some consistent attributes are sound stage expansion, amazing spaciousness and air without tonally altering anything. Focus appears enhanced too but is probably relative to the larger space it images in now along with detail brought forth by lowering the noise floor. Also microdynamics and a sense of flow by a smidgeon has improved. The thing is I was very pleased with the state of my rig before introducing Audio Magic. Try the blue dot next with confidence. Mine's placed by the rear of my linestage by all the outputs and inputs. Super fuses are a must. Hope this helps.
Blissfully(for now),

P.S. Audio Magic goodies play very well with other tweaks:) and can be very addicting. We find these are great additions if you are at the point where you're satisfied with the sound you're getting. Also relatively easy to reverse if the effects don't suit your tastes.

*roughly in order of appearance-Nano-Liquid Premium Fuses in everything, Pulse Gen ZX (in 2 different DACs third one on order), Speaker Clarifiers, Blue Dot, Blackouts (one in breaker box that increases the volume-we all heard it repeatedly), SUPER Fuse (Nano-Liquid) replaced all the original Premium fuses, Oracle Liquid Power conditioner, 2 medium Pulsed Electron Alignment units (on order).