Does the PEA units increase dynamics and have any impact in the mid-range? Is it relaxed because of a dulling in the leading edges, upper treble and bass?
Quick Pulse Gen Review: I have an Oppo 105 with a Bybee music rail. The player has an Acoustic Revive 18000 power cord w/Oyaide 079 plugs. I installed an AM Pulse Gen. After the players 200 hour break in, the AM Pulse Gen was overkill. I had an exaggeration in treble that covered up the mid-range. I pulled the unit out and eventually put an Oyaide 079 on it. I plugged it into my Audience Ar2p-To and voila, the pulse gen was balanced. Now I get transparency, solid bass, increased dynamics, sweeter voices, etc. I think the unit takes on some of the house sound of the power cord and connector it's closest to. I tried a Wattgate Silver plug, but the Oyaide was just right providing the right amount of dynamics without harshness. The PAD Canorus that is attached to the Audience PLC seemed to be enhanced with the Pulse Gen...
I am now curious of the PEA. I would like to install a mini inside the Oppo 105 right in front of the transformer (it has a perfect spot there for AM units). I would like to know if the PEA relaxes the sound by dulling dynamics? Does it have any impact on the mid range and bass? I currently have a nice ruler flat frequency balance, but my imaging is still very cloudy and I lack soundstage width. I'm hoping the PEA may assist without diminishing instrument weight, mid-range and dynamics.
On a side note, I found the highend_cc digital terminator to be another nice tweak. Only one is needed on the Digital Out of the Oppo, using another simultaneously on the In is too much of a good thing. This $20 tweak provides about 30% of the improvement my $400 Entreq ground conditioner made. Also I would highly recommend the Kemp QA Plug. Talk about amazing synergy with the Pulse Gen! On my system the Kemp QA Plug only sounds good at it's minimum setting. It takes the overall digital sound signature out of my system and replaces it with a very analogue (natural) sound. I can finally listen to Celine Dion with Magnepan 1.7's in great detail, yet with smoothness and refinement. It brings you one big step closer to a live performance for a small price. Another must have tweak!!
I have not tried the AM Speaker Clarifier. But have tried the Stein Speaker Match Plus. This is the only tweak I've found that has a huge impact in the mid-range (Kemp QA a distant second). It added much needed weight to all instruments. Soundstage width increased substantially. Imaging is better. Bass digs deep, and PRAT is more natural. However, it revealed a harshness in my system. The AM Pulse Gen helped smooth that out. But it was the Kemp QA plug that brought it all together.
I'm also going to give the Nordost Kones a try under the Oppo. Anyone tried the BC model yet?