Maybe you could correct my understanding, but I thought most power in the US is at 60Hz? Which high frequencies are you referring on a potential power cord?
What most people don't understand is that the first thing an the power from the wall does when it hits your amp is go through a transformer to cut down the voltage and then hit the rectifier which is converts it to DC. Yes the cap converts that rectified signal to a smooth DC line. I have used some very fast scopes and never seen the DC on that line changing. Most listening at home is well under 30watts so the power through the cord is relatively low. Even if there is fluctuation in that DC voltage, on a SS design is dropped again by a regulator to the rail which gives the whole system margin for any voltage regulation.
The only way one should here an issue caused by the power supply (including the cord) is if the DC voltage fluctuated and unless you have the volume turned up to 11, it doesn't.
I have been to some very big name audio manufacturers and as far as tweaks at audio shows, they use them because the parts are given to them to use, but at the home office, they use cheapo cables and power cords. Either these large companies are just cheap, deaf, or don't believe in tweaks, I don't know, but I am guessing it's the last one. Engineers love numbers and most tweaks can't be proven by numbers.
For cables that rob a system of 40% of their power, that means there the equivalent of a 40 ohm resistor on the cable. Whoever made that cable should be fined and put out of business.