How short should a power cable be for my amp?

I have two Parrasound amps. I'm looking to make my own cable.How short can the cable be w/o ill effect? AMB Dan M.
In my opinion the power cord for your amp can be as short as you want to make them and I don't believe it will impair the sound.
I have no doubt others will disagree however I have compared .5/M,1/M, 1.5/M and 2/M and I could not detect a difference.
Short enough that it will span the distance between the amp and the outlet.
It does not make any difference on the length you decide on. Do you worry about the length of the cable from your breaker to the outlet? It's just a lengthening of that. If someone claims to hear a difference they are imagining it!
Thanks for your responses.It's that I'm trying to clean up the wires & the power cords of my amps, are to long.