Rives Audio No More

Just noticed that Rives Audio is no more... Officially closed Jan 2, 2015. Shame. Who's left for audio room design?
Hedback Design gets my recommendation as well. A few years ago I happened to be talking to Art Smuck about an VAC amp and I mentioned needing the services of an audio designer. He gave me Jeff's name
. It just so happened to be very close to my location. I had a very difficult room to work with. The results were amazing.
I'm building a new home now and Jeff Hedback has been designing this from the beginning. Hedback Design has my highest recommendation.
Peter , I've not had the pleasure of listening in Art's room but the photos are very impressive.
Bummer! Two months ago I was discussing doing my room with them and eventually decided to postpone the project another year.

Thanks for the heads-up, though.
Another vote for Vicoustics. They transformed my room from
average to outstanding. They give you the option of using
their computer software to map the room. I preferred that
method versus guessing as they have specific measured areas
to place each specific panel. I heard the biggest
improvement with the diffusion/absorption panels on the
ceiling which usually gets overlooked.