Hedback Design gets my recommendation as well. A few years ago I happened to be talking to Art Smuck about an VAC amp and I mentioned needing the services of an audio designer. He gave me Jeff's name
. It just so happened to be very close to my location. I had a very difficult room to work with. The results were amazing.
I'm building a new home now and Jeff Hedback has been designing this from the beginning. Hedback Design has my highest recommendation.
Peter , I've not had the pleasure of listening in Art's room but the photos are very impressive.
. It just so happened to be very close to my location. I had a very difficult room to work with. The results were amazing.
I'm building a new home now and Jeff Hedback has been designing this from the beginning. Hedback Design has my highest recommendation.
Peter , I've not had the pleasure of listening in Art's room but the photos are very impressive.