dumb question, streaming music to a preamp?

Hi. I am trying to put together a low cost system for my daughter, who is sharing an appartment with a few friends. We have a Luxman L-480 integrated amp and some TMM floorstanding speakers I built from a kit. She has WiFi in her appartement. She would like to use Spotify, which claims CD quality and allows you to select play lists or albums from more than 5 million albums. So how to get the music to the Luxman amp? Could buy a Sonos unit, but that is $399, which is about 1/2 the cost of everything else so far. Do not want to use a phone as have data streaming limits. Do not want to use a dedicated computer or iPad as too expensive as well. Any ideas out there. Could stream from her computer, but it just can not be tethered to the Luxman amp with a RCA cord. And if stream from her computer over WiFi, what device picks it up and converts to analog for the Luxman? Thank you for your help. This area is changing really quickly, and I have never even thought about it before.
You could attach a USB DAC like a AQ Dragonfly (that only provides a 1/8 inch output and no wireless). You touched on it yourself already. The SONOS is the way to go, it can be controlled by all devices including PC. I use Spotify with my Sonos and a DAC I owned already (Sonos has digital+ analogue output). Keep in mind your getting a DAC and a wireless music streamer for $350.00! Cant beat the value. I recommend bite the bullet and get the SONOS it is amazing little device. Other external music streamers cost 700+ dollars.
Hi Matt, thank you for your suggestion. Can you comment on why you use a DAC with the SONOS? Did you just already have it or did you find the analog out quality was lacking? Which DAC to you use?
No idea of sound quality but this seems like it will do what you want and costs $130 via Amazon "Grace Digital GDI-IRDT200 Hi-Fi Internet Radio Tuner". It has wireless and ethernet jacks, digital out on toslink and coax, and analog out on RCA jacks. Or you could buy a used squeezebox. They appear here from time to time and all the time on ebay.
Look at a simple USB DAC from halide, ifi or mytech and use a laptop for streaming. I think that would be the most cost effective solution.
Spotify + Audioengine B1 Bluetooth streamer. Use phone or iPad Spotify app. Works great, sounds great, esp. with Spotify premium.