Vinyl listner

Hi everyone,
I'm new to the forum and was hoping to get a little assistance in deciding how to best listen to my newly acquired turntable.

I recently bought a Technics 1200mk turntable but I need to get further componets to start the listening process.

I was looking at getting the Audioengine A5+ speakers as they seam to be a good price and offer many advantages as far as sound and wireless capabilities. With those I would only need a preamp as well to be able to listen to music.

I guess my question is should I get just a preamp or should I get a receiver where I can bulid further from this?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I am new to the world of audiophile but a music lover that wants to appreciate it further.

I've looking at getting the A-T 12E MM cartridge and possiably the Pro-ject Box S tube preamp. I believe i'm starting to figure out some pieces that should work well for what I'm trying to start up.
Hi, So I've gotten much closer to making a decsion now.

Knowing that I have a turntable that I can perform modifications on to improve audio is a hugh bonus.

To start my journey and introduction to the audiophile realm and build my system, and of course I still would love to hear further feed back as it's greatly appreciated.

This is where I've gotten so far.

My cartridge of choice is the Denon DL-103 Phono cartrdge to pair with the Technics tonearm. I figure I will be able to do some fairly straight forward mods later down the road to further inhance audio capabilities of this pairing.

My phono pre-amp of choice on everything I've read so far and due to budget restrictions I've decided to go with the Pro-Ject Tube Box S Phono Preamp. It seems to have good flexibilty very adaptable and I think I will enjoy the sound a tube amp creates oppossed to something solid state. This is my first go at these types of audio performers so I hope this makes sense.

Lastly, I'm keeping with the powered bookshelf type speakers. One for easier set up and less componets required, which will be eaiser for my initial set up. So I think I've decided to go for the Mackie MR6-MK3. From everything I've read they seem like they will provide a very over all balanced and smooth sound with a little extra kick if desired.

Please let me know what you guys think!


Sorry but Denon DL-103 is very low compliance cartridge, so you need a heavy tonearm with high effective mass if you want to hear the music in a good way with dl-103. Technics stock tonearm is the worst tonearm for this cartridge, a total mismatch as it's lightweight arm for high compliance cartridges!

If you like 103 series try model 103D (higher compliance).
Or change stock tonearm to Jelco to use with dl-103 (103R is better).
For denon mc cartridges you will need step-up transformer desidged for them.

If you don't want to change stock arm use high compliance cartridges.


Tonearm / Cartridge

* A tonearm whose effective mass is rated at 10 grams or below is considered low mass (e.g. early SME’s, Grace 747 etc.)

A tonearm whose effective mass is rated between 11 and 25 grams is considered moderate mass (e.g. SME 309, IV, IV-Vi, V, Triplanar, Graham).

Arms above 25 grams of mass are high mass in nature (Eminent Technology, Dynavector).

* A phono cartridge whose compliance is rated at 12 x l0ˉ6 or below, is considered low compliance.

A cartridge whose compliance is rated between 13 x l0ˉ6 and 25 x l0ˉ6 is considered high to very high.

Note: Another way of expressing compliance is um/mN. Here a rating of 5 to 10 is considered very low, 10 to 20 is moderate and above 35 is very high.

* Low mass arms mate well with both moderately high and very high compliance phono cartridges.

* Moderate mass tonearms are good companions for moderate to low compliance cartridges.

* If a low compliance cartridge is used with a low mass tonearm, undesirable resonances can occur in the audible range. Mistracking may also be a problem.

* When a high compliance cartridge is mated with a moderate mass tonearm, resonances in the infrasonic range may occur in addition to some unwanted high frequency damping.
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