Should I repair my amp?

I need to make repairs to my Levinson 333.5 amplifier that will cost about $2,500.00. Do any of you out there have a learned opinion as to whether it is a good idea to spend the money or put the money toward a different amplifier. I have other Levinson equipment (CD player and preamp) as well. The amp drives B&W Signature 120 speakers.

Neosteo (JJB)
$2,500 for a repair is highway robbery, and NO repair is worth that. I'd put it on eBay and steer clear of ML in the future. Shame on them for quoting you that.
What's the amp worth in its current condition (non-working)? Can you get an equal quality or better amp for your system for $2,500?
If you like the unit and the repair will fix the cause of the failure, not just the symptom then I'd say it's worth it. If you're looking to try other amp options anyway.... then the options already presented carry even more weight.