If your System can Speak

What would your system say about you if it can speak? Would it reveal the silliest thing(s) you've done while listening to it? What is/are those silliest thing(s) you've done while listening to your system? Keep it clean guys and girls...if you can ;).

My system would say, "stop playing that Diana Krall's new CD". (j/k).
My system would say, "C'mon, let me rip! Turn me up! You bought me to really let loose so let's do it! I know, I know - there are other people in the house, but they don't mind. Really!"

Occassionally it would say, "What the heck to I have to do to get the other three music lovers in the house to come listen to me?"

Why the hell do you make me play Charlotte Church and Pantera in the same listening session?? What kind of freak are you?