Wisconsin - Anyone interested?

Just wondering, things are dead around by me and nobody understands this hobby.....
I'm open to those hearty souls who don't mind a little dirt and dog hair (OK, a lot of dog hair), coming over to listen, after we are done at Nate's. We had a great time last time, and I am looking forward to more of the same.
In terms of tunes, I can handle LP, CD, & R2R (qtr track), so bring your music on!
I'm looking for some folks to do a DAC shootout with. I recently built a DDDAC1543 and would love to measure it with the Ack! and other popular gear in use around here.

I'm just outside of Madison minutes off the interstate and 151 (Sun Prairie).

Anyone interested? By the time this comes together I'll also have one of these infamous tweaked Toshiba 3950s to demo ;-)

here's my system as of earlier this year - the DAC is not on the page yet:


Peter, I always wanted to hear your system. You must have over a thousand posts on Audio Asylum and I read all your work.

I have many modified components, tweaks, and isolation too, but they are not DIY. I wanted to hear yours compared to mine. I use electrostats so the boxless sound is similar to your Magnepans and maybe that would interest you. Want to check it out?

I live in Madison. Duke from Wisconsin
hehe - most of my asylum posts are probably things like "can somebody help me with this darn C4S voltage reading?" ;-)

yeah, definitely, we should get together. I'm busy this week and weekend, but beyond that we could plan a small meeting to get exp[osed to another system and some different components. It becomes difficult to keep a perspective over where your system is going once you simply blow away your best friend's setup. After that you need some A/B on site testing to get a feel for where the next step has to be taken.

I'm very interested in hearing some electrostats.

How do we go about this? I don't see a way to email you directly here, but you can probably find my email on my web site or reach me via Audiogon. I just don't want to post emails and phone #'s here.

check the http://didnt.doit.wisc.edu/audio/dddac1543/ directory to get an idea for what's next on my web site and what I want to compare with other DACs. the actual web page for it will go up shortly - I just need to sort out the information I accumulated and write up my experience building the thing.

anyway - contact me with an email I can respond to privately and we can get things rolling. Others in the Madison area are welcome to join - I grill some mean beer brats ;-)

There are several of us in Green Bay who have been meeting on a regular basis, sometimes as often as once a week. We just listen to music and swap wives, I mean gear!!! I know most of us would enjoy a road trip, even if it was to Madison. If no one has any objections we'll tag along if anything gets organized.

Let us know what to bring along as far as gear or food and libation.