Wisconsin - Anyone interested?

Just wondering, things are dead around by me and nobody understands this hobby.....
There are several of us in Green Bay who have been meeting on a regular basis, sometimes as often as once a week. We just listen to music and swap wives, I mean gear!!! I know most of us would enjoy a road trip, even if it was to Madison. If no one has any objections we'll tag along if anything gets organized.

Let us know what to bring along as far as gear or food and libation.
I placed a notice in Stereophile, and possibly will do the same in TAS that there will be a meeting of the Northeast Wisconsin Audiophile Society on October 9, 2004 in Green Bay.

This is not limited to people from any particular area. It's just more a means of identification. Everyone is invited, welcome, whatever. We have had several get-togethers over that last five months and met several new friends. Even more importantly we had a good time.

Please let me know if you have any interest (or if you don't have any interest but are still planning to attend) and we will plan accordingly. Beverages and snacks are typically provided.

Last Saturday we had someone new drive up from Milwaukee. It was nice to get to know another audiophile, but if I get enough responses from certain areas I can try to coordinate things so people can carpool if they are interested.

Let me know.
I'll try to keep that Saturday open. I'd be driving from Madison and have room for a passenger or two with some gear.
Hey, fellow Wisconsinites-

Just happened by this thread to see what was shaking in WI this fall. Unfortunately, I was out of town in June and missed Nrchy's email. Anyway, I'm fairly new to audiophilia and haven't gotten to hear many different systems yet, so if no one minds a young ragamuffin newbie hanging around in October I will try and keep my schedule clear.

I'd be happy to bring any gear from my system--the JJ243 is rather an enigma in the US and may be of interest; I also have a Furman AR1215 voltage regulator that I can pull out of my recording studio if desired.

Feel free to drop me an email-

Brian, aka Dirty

Oh, P.S. I'm located in Oshkosh =)
Pburke, I'm pretty sure Boss302 will be coming up from Madison for the get together. I don't want to offer rides for anyone, but it might be easier if the two of you can work something out.

Anyone who wants to come for the October meeting is welcome. I'm still working on a format and possibly someone to speak for a moment or two. Rooze and I have been talking about getting a semi-permanant location for a group to meet, but this seems to be down the road a little still.

If anyone has ideas or suggestions for a meeting please let me know.