Austin , TX .

Hello there , does anyone knows of any club or groups in Austin , TX . I'm in north Austin . THX!!!!
Hello Even tho I'm out of the audio addiction I still listen to music, I lost my job and it's killing me haging out in the house every day. I think an outing will be good let me know if you guys get together, I'mm bring some cd's
Hello Pete,

Sorry to hear about the job loss. Hopefully Obamanomics will save us all. I am available Sunday if you are interested in a listen to horns. Send me an email.

Are any of you gents still meeting in or near Austin? Would love to bond and listen to systems since I have the addiction.
Am well versed in TT setup and other oddities relating to audio/video.
Have been retired from the electronics industry so focusing more on hobbies and helping when I can.
Let me know if the meets continue and please add me to the list.
Thx, Don in Georgetown, TX