Thank you Guido...I will give it a try and burn it in for at least 2 weeks before judging. The big question is do you disable the digital filter on the P-02 as they could overlap in function and what up-conversion on the P-02 do you have set? I have heard thus far that 48-bit ESL3 4fs (to 176.4...) seems to be the best though I have not spent a ton of time with PCM-DSD as I found was the best on my P-03U/D-03. What is the complete set of options that you utilize across both transport and DAC? Thanks!
Eelii008: Thanks....don't know if it will help it move any faster though I am hoping! I'm really looking forward to the next few years with this rig and beyond!
Eelii008: Thanks....don't know if it will help it move any faster though I am hoping! I'm really looking forward to the next few years with this rig and beyond!