Buffalo, NY

Hey all,

Did not see another place to post this... so here it goes...if there is another/better place... let me know. I posted it to a few fullrange/tube forums so far. If your within a few hours away of Syracuse (and I think there are a lot of you) it should be a blast....

Full-tube 2005
Hey all,

What? FULL-TUBE 2005 fullrange speaker and tube equipment show/fun. DIY or not....

Where? Syracuse NY. Radisson Hotel

When? Saturday July 9th

We needed a fun get together/shindig for all us diseased full range/tube people. So I took it upon myselft to pick a date, city (reasonable drive from New England, Toronto, Montreal, Philly, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, NYC, Jersey, Celeveland etc....) and nice hotel with conference/meeting rooms.

I called a number of Hotels, asking about conference rooms etc.. Of the hotels available with such rooms, the Radisson was the nicest in on par pricing. Will reserve 29x25 room next week. The price of it is $350. So.... bring you stuff and we'll all just split the cost. I think if we get more than 10-15 (I am hoping for more like 20-25+?!) people interested in dragging their gear out.... than next size up room might not be bad idea (37x30 @ $500). They have larger rooms should there be alot of participants.

This is FUN get together. If you have stuff you want to sell.... I don't care, if no one else does.

Please send me e-mail (tim@trialsin.com) if you are interested. This way I can calculate how many people want to participate (i.e. room size/cost).
I am setting cutoff date of June 15th for determining viability of this. I am (unless someone else has better ideas) using $50 cutoff per participant (i.e. if it divides up per person to be more than that for the room.... we can the idea). I do not want anyones money until we determine things are a go June 15th.... then I will pre-pay for the room. Anyone after that is of course welcome to join in.......

Any one that wants to attend but is not dragging anything to show...... I say, come on! There will be no money asked of you (though buying a round at the lounge later would be nice ).

OK guys and gals.... let me know if your all up for a good time!

Constructive input always welcome!

Tim Williamson
Let me know if you ever do this again. I'm in!!!!!!! I'm located in Rochester.