Dear Members,
We have a NEW address and website. The address is so link it today and toss the .com address away!!! The new site will be up soon...meanwhile, important Society info and updates are available at the new location. Try it! Our sincere thanks to Carol Clark, V.P. and Webmaster.
And Mark your calendars for more outstanding summer fun with your Audio Society!
July 17 Digital Ear in Tustin Presents Harmonic Technology with Special Guest Jim Wang, President of Harmonic Technology! Hear the Magic Reference Silver Interconnects and the Incredible CyberLight [Fiber Optic] Interconnects and more! Super System includes EMM Labs DSD, JM Labs Loudspeakers, and Halcro Electronics!!! Great triple! raffle of Harmonic Technology Interconnects! Lunch served!! Sunday July 17 2-5pm at the Digital Ear Guests most welcome!
August 21 LA's first Trinaural Audio Demonstration! Our Host John Casler features 3 top of the line VMPS Loudspeakers set up for maximum sound quality and realism! Special Legendary Audiophile Guest: Jim Bongiorno, Brian Cheney, plus, meet Andy Miller, CEO of Soundstring.
System includes 3 Ampzillas, 3 VMPS RM30's, McCormack UDP-1, and Soundstring Cables. Amazing Raffle of ALL! the Soundstring Cables in the system!!! Thank you Soundstring!! Sunday August 21 1-4pm Holiday Inn at 7000 Beach Blvd at the 91 Guests most welcome!
Now this is how audiophiles truly enjoy the summer with your LA&OC AUDIO SOCIETY! Please mark your calendars and forward to your audiophile friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See you on July 17th and great listening to all,
Bob Levi
Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society Celebrating Our Twelfth Anniversary Year
America's Premier Audio Society
We have a NEW address and website. The address is so link it today and toss the .com address away!!! The new site will be up soon...meanwhile, important Society info and updates are available at the new location. Try it! Our sincere thanks to Carol Clark, V.P. and Webmaster.
And Mark your calendars for more outstanding summer fun with your Audio Society!
July 17 Digital Ear in Tustin Presents Harmonic Technology with Special Guest Jim Wang, President of Harmonic Technology! Hear the Magic Reference Silver Interconnects and the Incredible CyberLight [Fiber Optic] Interconnects and more! Super System includes EMM Labs DSD, JM Labs Loudspeakers, and Halcro Electronics!!! Great triple! raffle of Harmonic Technology Interconnects! Lunch served!! Sunday July 17 2-5pm at the Digital Ear Guests most welcome!
August 21 LA's first Trinaural Audio Demonstration! Our Host John Casler features 3 top of the line VMPS Loudspeakers set up for maximum sound quality and realism! Special Legendary Audiophile Guest: Jim Bongiorno, Brian Cheney, plus, meet Andy Miller, CEO of Soundstring.
System includes 3 Ampzillas, 3 VMPS RM30's, McCormack UDP-1, and Soundstring Cables. Amazing Raffle of ALL! the Soundstring Cables in the system!!! Thank you Soundstring!! Sunday August 21 1-4pm Holiday Inn at 7000 Beach Blvd at the 91 Guests most welcome!
Now this is how audiophiles truly enjoy the summer with your LA&OC AUDIO SOCIETY! Please mark your calendars and forward to your audiophile friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See you on July 17th and great listening to all,
Bob Levi
Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society Celebrating Our Twelfth Anniversary Year
America's Premier Audio Society