media player for mac.

I'm trying replacing itune. i have mac pro and i don't know where to turn now.
j river is for pc only. any suggestion or advice?

Thank you

I don't select buffer size or upsampling size. I'm under the impression that it's done automatically. If there is a provision for further tweaks, I haven't done any yet.

As for the "tick, tick, tick" sound you are getting, I am a total loss. I believe you should email the designer and ask him. He is very good at responding and should know what to do. Two emails that I sent him were answered within 10 minutes (I must have caught him while at work).

All the best,

Tim (designer) told me that uncheck the "Use Maximum device Buffer size" Option.

He was very quick about respond to your email. that was very good
Great to hear!
Its one thing to read his blog and see how he fixed and made adjustments based on feedback from actual users in order to refine his product.
Now this. He is one pro-active designer.

All the best,
I tried the trial version of Pure Music for 15 days and now I'm trying the trial version of Decibel. In my system, Decibel wins hands-down. Now I will admit that I might not have tweaked Pure Music as well as I could have, but Decibel clearly improved the music in every way possible. The downside to Decibel is that you have to load tracks into the player before playing them, which takes away much of the spontaneity of playing music from the computer.