I don't select buffer size or upsampling size. I'm under the impression that it's done automatically. If there is a provision for further tweaks, I haven't done any yet.
As for the "tick, tick, tick" sound you are getting, I am a total loss. I believe you should email the designer and ask him. He is very good at responding and should know what to do. Two emails that I sent him were answered within 10 minutes (I must have caught him while at work).
All the best,
I don't select buffer size or upsampling size. I'm under the impression that it's done automatically. If there is a provision for further tweaks, I haven't done any yet.
As for the "tick, tick, tick" sound you are getting, I am a total loss. I believe you should email the designer and ask him. He is very good at responding and should know what to do. Two emails that I sent him were answered within 10 minutes (I must have caught him while at work).
All the best,