Why do DIY products have less value ?

As many of you know, I do alot of DIY projects and am very happy with them. I have noticed that many folks seem to think that DIY stuff is not as good as store-bought stuff. It seems like they think that DIY is only for people who can't afford to buy something good. For example, when I tell people that I made my own cables, the first thing they suggest is that I buy some "good" cables. Or when I show them my DIY speakers, they say "Wow they're really good for DIY speakers. Imagine how good your system would sound with a pair of XYZ Mark 8 with petrified Jello cones and extruded pasta baskets!" What I'm saying is that there is this preconcieved notion that if it's DIY, it cannot be really good. This disturbs me. And if you try to sell a DIY item, forget it. You MIGHT get parts cost back, if you're lucky. They say "I'm not paying that much for something you cooked up in your garage. I can get the Mark 8 for only twice what you're asking." Performance is not the issue, only the idea that it did not come from a commercial maker so it just can't be as good or better as the Mark 8. All listening evaluations are always prejudiced with this view. Am I destined to be forever viewed as a tinkerer, or will anyone ever give DIY products the respect they deserve for their performance and not their origin?
From DIY projects come our future products. How many companies started from DIY projects that worked very well? The sad part is that you have to play the marketing game with those that will make your product a success. In this industry, it is the magazines. A full page ad costs somewhere around $5K per full page. The magazine advertising directors like yearly contracts, get the picture?
Davewavaolcom, my room lenses worked real well in my room. The one that is centered between the speakers about 18 inches back really helped alot. The side ones, less so. I am going to try to set one up behind my listening chair to see what that does. I also had to play with the tuning by adjusting the stuffing in the tubes. Of course, I am quite used to this, since I have been tuning transmission lines for about the last 6 months. Adjusting the tuning was necessary in my room. I like the lenses.
I'm glad they work well.

I'm very happy with my panels and traps.

Happy Listening :)
Nobody has added to this in years, so im bit later, but what the hey!

I think the problem with DYI is they see one person building something, that person is also somebody that they probably know, or have preconcieved notions about

Buying from a company however, you dont see the constructor of the object, you see a company mask, and will most likley assume that to creat such a project requires quite an impressive education, with multiple MIT graduates working to deliver you nice product.

when you see a guy in the garage, you see a guy in the garage.

So, even without the whole re-sale and purchace of such DYI, the, if you just know some guy who made his own cables, you would probably assume they were not as good as a company made product. So it would likley suprise you to see that it is a good product

everything was made in a garage at one point in time to some degree.

Ive seen DYI speakers and amplifiers and know that a guy in the garage with a good idea can produce a product that competes and even beats a well known brand, however, that product does not compete with the reputation of the major company.
Plus, its easy to get seduced by a brand names reputation, it almost comes as a status symbol.

Will a Bently get you somewhere better than a Honda? No, they do the same thing, and the honda is probably more economical and eco-friendly as well.
But the Bentley will get you there better! If Bentley couldn't do it better they'd be out of business. They are better made, more comfortable, and a heck of a lot faster. Nobody looks when a Hondas goes by, everyone notices a Bentley.

While I understand the analogy you tried to make, I think the mind set is that the factory made product is of better quality while such is not always the case. I have sold all of my 'store bought' power cords and use exclusively home made or DIY cords. They cost a lot less and sound a lot better.

DIY takes a lot of knocks but in my experience with PCs they are very cost effective. When people get to the level of amps and electronics though even I would tend to be leary. Although if Tom told me he was selling a DIY SET amp and it was at a price I could afford, I'd jump at it.