Psacanli, do you know of any good cheaters? I have made them out of two pin wall plugs from Eagle with a three pin female and silver wire. They were better, but could not compare with going into the wall plug part of power cables and lifting the ground.
Recently Synergistic Research took some Home Depot cheaters and zapped them (quantum tunneling they say). I compared them with ordinary cheaters which I bought. Wow, the SR ones were unbelievably better and better than my home made ones.
Incidentally, the Home Depot cheaters are 89 cents @.
Recently Synergistic Research took some Home Depot cheaters and zapped them (quantum tunneling they say). I compared them with ordinary cheaters which I bought. Wow, the SR ones were unbelievably better and better than my home made ones.
Incidentally, the Home Depot cheaters are 89 cents @.