How does one get off the merry-go-round?

I'm interested in hearing from or about music lovers who have dropped out of the audio "hobby." I don't mean you were content with your system for 6 weeks. I mean, you stood pat for a long time, or--even better--you downsized...maybe got rid of your separates and got an integrated.

(I suppose if you did this, you probably aren't reading these forums any more.)

If this sounds like a cry for help, well, I dunno. Not really. I'm just curious. My thoughts have been running to things like integrated amps and small equipment racks and whatnot even as I continue to experiment and upgrade with vigor (I'm taking the room correction plunge, for example.) Just want to hear what people have to say on the subject.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
I really like the sound of my gear so I haven't bought any equipment for many years. I am thinking of buying A Dac though, since I like using my 100cd changer but realize it isn't the best cdp. I am waiting for the prices to go down.

I always get excited about a great new recording, I'm in this for the music. Some like fiddling with gear, nothing wrong with that. I don't know about your figures for best available sound at $1000 or $5000, or whatever. I think it's kind of hard to say anything is 75% of the best sound or 90%, whatever. What is "best" sound?

To me if it sounds really good then your getting close. Of course, you have to have some idea what "really good" sounds like. I listened to a lot of different gear before I bought mine. You also have to go to places that carry some of the "best". Doubtful you would find that at Best Buy or Target. Some people (Hell, most) don't realize there are other places to buy audio gear.

I agree you can get wonderful equipment for $5 - 10K. For most people that's enough. I also know if money was no object I'd probably have solid Gold volume knobs on my pre-amp, and naked dancing girls playing harps in my living room. If I spent $100k would it be 10 times better? NO. But, it would be better (probably).

How many thousands your willing to pay for small improvements is probably dependent on your wallet. Where the sickness comes in is if your spending crazy sums that you don't have for something that you really don't need.
Give all your money to charity so you won't have any to spend on tweaks, upgrades, or anything else. Then you'll just have to be happy with what you have.
Buy a Tivoli model 2 with a subwoofer for 240 dollars and forget about anything else.
I would imagine everyone gets off the merry-go-round eventually. Whatever the impetus, whether it is money, interest or time that runs out, the audio hobby equivalent of juggling ends at some point. There can be many reasons for the end of the road, but for me it came down to other priorities in my life demanding greater attention. Pulling away from the excessive/compulsive mindset this hobby can create enabled me to see what I had lost sight of.

Getting off the merry-go-round is facilitated by accepting whatever system compromises you perceive. Also, allowing yourself to enjoy what you have - not what you think you need.

I think this thread is a good one. If I am correct, responses here can continue indefinitely, as each hobbyist finds themselves getting off the merry-go-round and posting their reasons why.
As a semi-pro bassplayer (my gig money buys my toys) I kept
upgrading and buying bass equipment until last year, when I
decided 8 basses was more than I needed, and figured I might buy me a Gibson Les Paul and branch out a little into guitar. I'd been an avid member of the Fender Forum, which is Audiogon's instrument counterpart, sort of. Then it hit me: I had a good electric guitar already, which
I never play, so why spend more money on instruments. That's when I thought of upgrading my ho-hum but ok stereo.
Luckily I discovered Audiogon and thanks to a lot of experienced and helpful members, I got me a very nice NAD,
Rega, B&W system for about $5000. This includes good wires and stands, but I wasn't willing to get into the electric re-wiring arena. The six months it took me to find new/used
gear at good prices was exciting, but now I don't have an
urge to buy any more. I just enjoy the music.