Well I for one am a music lover, and because of the jacked-up "ATTITUDES" of some of the people that I have met I do not refer to myself as an AUDIOPHILE. I love music, music of all genres. I remember the swell in my chest as I sat in the Fox Theater with my third grade class as we viewed the original release of "The Sound Of Music". I can still feel it 47 years later. I fell in love with Julie Andrews then.I love music, that is why I am upgrading my system with as much enthusiasm as when I started 40 yeares ago. I think some people are let down after a while because they take this hobby as a means to one-up somebody else: "My system is better/more expensive than yours," and other such nonesense. I don't have a problem with some bragging rights, I mean I am extremely proud of my system's capabilities, but geesh... . I love music, I love the sound of music... and the movie is the bomb also! I think I'll stay on a while longer.