Tbg, forget the bar analogy, my point was that there are many different threads here, if this one bothers you, simply leave. Hell, since what this thread is all about is clearly marked in the title, don't even walk into this thread in the first place. There are PLENTY of threads that encourage folks to spend MORE money and how to say "WEEEEEEE" while riding the merry-go-round....join them. Don't harass those who have had enough merry-go-round and are ready to puke.
Back to the bar analogy, if I wonder upon a bar called "Men's Buttcheeks" I, for one, would not even enter that bar(not that there's anything wrong with that). ;-)
Back to the bar analogy, if I wonder upon a bar called "Men's Buttcheeks" I, for one, would not even enter that bar(not that there's anything wrong with that). ;-)