Think of it like quicksand. The more you struggle, the more you sink.
A person will gradually begin to sink in quicksand, and movement will make the victim sink faster.
and it is not easy to get out once you fall in:
The force needed for someone to pull their foot out of quicksand at a speed of a centimeter a second would be the equivalent of that required to lift a medium-size car. So don't ask your friends to tug on you; they're likely to pull you into two pieces if they try hard to pull you out.
So how do you get out of quicksand? Does this also apply to stereo on a psychic, not physical, level?
The way to do it is to wriggle your legs around. This creates a space between the legs and the quicksand through which water can flow down to dilate (loosen) the sand. You can get out using this technique, if you do it slowly and progressively.